Last update:  September 2020

General Information

This Privacy Policy contains information regarding the use of how we processes, in whole or in part, in an automated or non-automated manner, the personal data of users that is entered into our platform. Our goal is to clarify to interested parties about the types of data that are collected, the reasons for the collection and the way they will be used.

This Privacy Policy may be updated as a result of any regulatory update, or even specific needs.

Acceptance of this Policy

Pratic offers products and services. Thus, references in this policy include Pratic websites, applications, system and services, including the platform through which Pratic relates to its users.

How do we protect your personal data?

Pratic is committed to ensuring the protection and confidentiality of the data to which it may have access, especially regarding personal data, respecting current regulations and other applicable legislation. The personal data requested will be processed in a fair, lawful and transparent manner, only to identify it with the evaluation of the behavioral profile that will be carried out after filling out the data.

How do we collect your data?

Pratic collects certain data from users in the product, through the interactions we have directly with you and through access to the platform. We also obtain your data at events, such as fairs, training and social events, with the same purpose in the dissemination of our products and services.

First, you will have received a login and password so that you can make the behavioral profile evaluation. You will only initiate the request for the aforementioned data after this data is recognized by our platform.

The personal data requested are only basic data regarding the person, Full name, Tax ID, Phone, Date of Birth, Gender and Email, so that the company that uses our platform has how to identify you with the other needs.

After the collection of the data completed by the person, it will move to the second phase in which it will be answered through two questions, it will mark all the objectives of which it identifies.

Cookies – We use cookies to sample the use of the tool and the website to evaluate efficiency, analyze problems and propose improvements for the benefit of the user. We also maintain logged-in sessions for the user to have their personalized and exclusive experience within our website and platform, as well as files stored locally to improve the performance of the website and platform, always loading faster for more frequent users.

For what purposes do we use your personal data?

We use the personal data collected, so that we can make our work feasible, specifically to:

Improve and develop our products;

Customize your behavioral profile evaluation;

Enter a process in which you are participating;

Know and understand their behavior better;

As part of our efforts to keep our products and website secure;

We also use your data to operate our business, including the development of our workforce to develop new products and services;

Any other purpose authorized by the user when providing their data.

How long is your data stored?

Your data is stored on the Pratic platform, for as long as the companies that requested the behavioral profile evaluation require it.

If the requesting company does not continue to use the platform, after one year they will be inactivated.

Security of stored personal data

Your information is stored in the cloud, on Amazon Web Services. Therefore, security occurs through the use of encryption in the transmission of data information from the user to the platform and restricted back-end access control.

We recognize that access to the system is made by means that are not the responsibility and property of Pratic, and therefore, it cannot be held responsible for any third party to have access to the platform, and improperly usurp the existing data of people, risks inherent in the activity.

Data Sharing

The existing data on the Pratic Talentos platform are shared with companies that have acquired the right to use the platform to apply behavioral profile evaluations to their company, whether in selection processes, internal development, coaching or personnel development. 

In the case of HR consultancies, the data may be shared with its clients, in recruitment processes and selection of their vacancies.

In the case of personal information, it may be viewed by service providers, contracted to complement the execution and guarantee of the confidentiality of the data existing on the platform, as well as:

Amazon Web Services: Cloud Storage

Abyx – System Maintenance

Sendinblue  – Sending emails

The providers mentioned above have a nondisclosure agreement in relation to the processing of the data and metrics existing in the system. Under no circumstances will Pratic take advantage of the existing data on its platform for promotional and marketing purposes. The data will be used for the cases specified above.

Changes to this privacy policy

The aforementioned privacy provisions may be amended by the parties at any time in response to new regulatory or structural determinations, in compliance with and respecting the rights of privacy over personal data as provided for in Article XI of the Brazilian Civil Code. 

The changes and clarifications will take effect immediately after their publication on the platform.

In the event of a merger or sale of the platform to another company, user data may be transferred so that new owners can continue the services offered.

Jurisdiction for the resolution of disputes

Brazilian law would be fully applicable to the solution of disputes arising from this instrument.

Any disputes must be filed in the jurisdiction of the district in which the company’s headquarters is located.